Papers Published

Freshwater algae

  1. Panikkar, M.V.N. & P. Ampili. 1988. Temnogametum keralense, a new species from South India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12: 397-400
  2. Ampili, P. Panikkar, M.V.N & D. Chauhan, 1989. Cyanostylon cylindro-cylindrocellulare  Geilt . & Ruther- A Blue green alga new to India. Current Science 58: 1364-1365.
  3. Ampili.  P & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1989. Zygagonium kumaoense from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13: 71-73.
  4. Panikkar, M.V.N.; Ampili, P. & V. D. Chauhan, 1989. Observation on Cephaleuros virescens Kunze from India. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15: 473-475.
  5. Panikkar, M.V.N & P. Ampili, 1990. Two terrestrial species of Oedogonium Link from Kerala. Geobios new Reports. 10: 117-120.
  6. Panikkar, M.V.N & P. Ampili, P. 1991. Species of Temnogametum W & G.S. West. From Kerala, South India. Geobios new Reports 10: 117-120.
  7. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1991. On the occurrence of Chara gymnopitys Braun from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15: 741-742.
  8. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1991. Observations on the lateral conjugation of  Spirogyra jogensis Iyengar var. minor Iyengar from Kerala. Econ  Tax. Bot 15: 473-475,
  9. Uha Devi, K. & M.V.N.Panikkar 1991. Observations on the conjugations of Temnogametum  prescottii Patael from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15: 475-476.
  10. Usha Devi, K  &  M.V.N.Panikkar.1991. A new species of Spirogyra  Link. From Kerala. South India.J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15 (No.3) : 743-744.
  11. Panikkar, M.V.N & P. Ampili, 1992. A new species of Draparnaldiopsis  Smith et Klyver (Chaetophorales, Chlorophyta) from Kerala . J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16: 24-25.
  12. Panikkar, M.V.N & P. Ampili, 1992. Three new species of Oedogonium from the flowing waters of J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16: 573-574.
  13. Sindhu, P &  M.V.N. Panikkar. 1992. Two interesting species of Chara Linnaeus from Kerala, South India.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16: 573- 574.
  14. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1992 Species of Zygogonium Kuetzing from Kerala, South India. J. Phytol.Res. 5: 19-26.
  15. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993.A new species of the genus  Spirogyra  Link from  Kerala-II.  Geobios new Reports. 12: 184.
  16. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. Observations of the conjugation of Spirogyra marvillosa Transeu from Kerala. Geobios new Reports.12: 184-185.
  17. M.V.N.Panikkar & P. Ampili. 1993.Cloniophora capitellata Tiffany . A new  record for the algal flora of Kerala. J. Econ. Tax Bot.17: 460-461.
  18. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. Zygnemataceae of Kerala. Spirogyra Link-1. J. Econ. Tax Bot.17: 705-709
  19. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. New records of the genus Spirogyra Link from Kerala- II. Geobios new Reports12:  111-112.
  20. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. New records of the genus Spirogyra Link from Kerala-III. J. Econ Tax. Bot. 17: 699-700.
  21. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993.Stages of zygospore formation in Desmidium from Kerala.  Phykos 32:  105-107.
  22. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993.Oedogoniales of Kerala-1. J. Econ.Tax. Bot. 17: 89-94.
  23. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. Oedogoniales of Kerala- II. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17: 61-68.
  24. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. Oedogoniales of Kerala-III. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17: 147-149.
  25. .Panikkar, M.V.N & Sindhu. 1993. Species of Trentenpohlia Martens from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17: 199-204.
  26. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993.Speies of Sirocladium Randhawa from Kerala. India. Bionature 13: 71-72.
  27. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1993. Species of Mougeotia Agardh from Kerala, India. Phykos 32: 159.
  28. Panikkar, M.V.N. & Ampili, P. 1993. On two species of Vaucheria from Kerala, Bionature. 13: 157-159.
  29. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1994.Species of the genus Spirogyra from Kerala , India. Bibilotheca Phycologica, Berlin (Monograph) 97: 1-124.
  30. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1994.Species of Sirogonium (Zygnematales, Chlorophyta) from Kerala , India  Phykos 33: 71-75.
  31. Shaji, C & M. V.N.Panikkar. 1994. Cyanophyceae of Kerala, India. Phykos 33: 105-112.
  32. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar .1994. Occurrence of Desmid flora  from the paddy fields of Quilon, Kerala. -1. Pleurotaenium Nageli  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18: 601-603.
  33. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar .1994. Observations on the two species of Coleochaete from Kerala.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18: 738-740.
  34. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar .1994. Observations of two interesting members of Chaetophorales from Kerala. . J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18:  629-630.
  35. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1994.Desmid flora of Kerala. _II. Closterium Nitsch. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18: 604-606.
  36. Sindhu, P.& M.V.N.Panikkar. 1994. Occurrence of Netrium (Naegeli) Itzigsohn & Rothe from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18: 627-628.
  37. Sindhu, P. & M.V.N.Panikkar 1994. Desmid flora of Quilon, Kerala-3. Cosmarium Corda  . J. Econ Tax. Bot. 18: 711-714.
  38. Ampili, P. & M. V. N.Panikkar.1994. Occurrence of Dichotomosiphon tuberosus (A. Br.) Ernst from Kerala. Bionature 14; 51-52.
  39. Usha Devi, K & M. V.N.Panikkar. 1994. Species of Spirogyra from Kerala. Feddes Repertorium 105:97-112.
  40. Sidhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1995. Desmid flora of Quilon. Kerala-3. Staurastrum Meyen J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19: 331-334.
  41. Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar 1995. Desmids new to Kerala, India. 1. Feddes Repertorium 106: 317-323.
  42. Usha Devi, K & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1995. Species of Zygnema Agardh from Kerala. Bionature 15: 21-26.
  43. Shaji, C ; Sindhu, P & M. V.N. Panikkar,. 1995. Contributions to Euglenoids of Kerala, India. II. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19: 269- 272.
  44. Shaji,C. & M. V. N.  Panikkar, 1995. Cyanophyceae of Kerala, India.-II . J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 20: 429-434.
  45. Shaji,C. & M. V. N.  Panikkar, 1995. On some little known epiphytic algae from Kerala. Geobios new Reports 14: 51-52.
  46. Shaji, C & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1996. A new species of Audouinella from Kerala , India. Feddes Repatorium 107: 159-169.
  47. Panikkar, M.V.N.; Usha Devi, K & P. Ampili. 1997. New species of the genus Zygnemopsis , Chlorophyceae) from Kerala, India. Econ. Tax. Bot. 21. 143-148.
  48. Panikkar, M.V.N. & Sreeja Krishnan. 2005. Zygospore formation of four rare desmids from Kerala (India) Feddes Repertorium 116: 218- 221.
  49. Panikkar, M.V.N. & Sreeja Krishnan. 2006. Zygospore formation of desmids from Kerala (India) 1. Closterium Feddes Repertorium 117: 277-278..
  50. Panikkar, M.V.N. & Sreeja Krishnan ,2007. Stages of Zygospore formation in two species of desmids from Kerala. Econ. Tax. Bot. 31(4) 913-914.
  51. Panikkar, M.V.N, R. Jayalekshmi & A. Jackson. 2012. Species diversity of two chlorococcalean colonial genera (Pediastrum Meyen and Scenedesmus Meyen) from the freshwater ecosystems of Kerala. Indian Hydrobiology 14(2) 109-116.

Marine algae

  1. Ampili, P. M.V.N. Panikkar,& V.D. Chauhan. 1987. Male organs of Sarconema filiforme (Sonder) Kyln. Japanese . Journal of  Phycology. 35: 218- 220.
  2. Ampili, P., M.V.N.Panikkar & V.D. Chauhan, 1987. Attachment of tetraspores of Padina dubia Hauck (Phaeophyta, Dictyotales) Japanese Journal of Phycology 35: 209-213.
  3. Ampili, P; M. V.N.Panikkar & V.D. Chauhan. 1991. Studies on spore germination in Sarconema filiforme (Sonder) Kylin (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) Japanese Journal of Phycology. 39: 277-279.
  4. Panikkar, M.V.N.& V.D. Chauhan. 1990. Structure and reproductive morphology of Padina dubia Hauck (Dictyotales, Dictyotaceae) Seaweed Res. Utln.. 13: 149-159.
  5. Panikkar, M.V.N.D. Chauhan.1990. On the life history of  Padina dubia Hauck (Dictyotales, Dictyotaceae) in culture. Seaweed Res. Utln. 18: 149-159.
  6. Sindhu, P & M. V.N. Panikkar,.1992. Marine algae of Kerala. 1. Gelidiales. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 14: 129- 134.
  7. Panikkar, M.V.N.; Ampili, P. & D. Chauhan , 1991. Histochemical localization of polysaccharides in the tissues of three Indian Marine Algae. Phykos 30: 61-66.
  8. Anilkumar, C & V.N.Panikkar.1992. Marine algae of Kerala-II. Sphacelaria Lyngbye (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae) Seaweed Res.Utln. 14: 129-134.
  9. Panikkar, M.V.N. & P. Ampili. 1993. Taxonomic studies of South Indian Dictyotales.-1. Dictyota. Lamouroux Econ. Tax. Bot. 17: 705-709.
  10. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar, 1993. Species of the genus Spyridia Harvey. Seaweed Res. Utlin.  16: 17-22.
  11. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar,1993. A new species of Myriogramme from Kerala. Seaweed Res. Utln. 16: 199-203.
  12. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar, 1993.A new species of  Pseudobryopsis Berthhold from Kerala. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 16: 135- 138.
  13. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar,1993. Observations on two species of Champia from Kerala coast. Phykos 32: 13-16.
  14. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar.,1994. Observations on  three species of Heterosiphonia Nageli from Kerala. Coast . Phykos 17: 67-69.
  15. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar. 1994. Species of Polysiphonia Greville (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Kerala coast, India. Bionature 14: 53-55..
  16. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar. 1994. Siphonaceous green algae of the Kerala coast. J.Econ. Tax. Bot. 18: 483-487.
  17. Sindhu, P. & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1994. Species of Ulva (Chlorophyceae, Ulvales) from Kerala coast of India. Feddes Repertorium 106: 121-125.
  18. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar 1995. The species of Porphyra  C.A. Agardh  from Kerala. Seaweed Res. Utln. 17: 151-160.
  19. Sindhu, P. & M.V.N.Panikkar . On the occurrence of a new species of Pterocladia G. Agardh (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Kanyakumari, India. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 17: 23-29.
  20. Anilkumar, C & M.V.N. Panikkar.1997. Indian species of Porphyra (Rhodophyceae, Bangialaes) Feddes Repertorium 108:419-423.
  21. Panikkar, M.V.N. & P. Sindhu. 1995. Phytoplankton and primary productivity of the estuaries of Kerala. (Ed.s. Kargupta & Siddique) International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun. 328-338.
  22. Anilkumar, C.; Sindhu, P & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1995. Ecology and reproductive phenology of Porphyrs suborbiculata Kjellman (Bangiales, Rhodophyceae) from Kerala. Seaweed Res. UTlin. 17: 37-50.
  23. Sindhu, P,; Anilkumar, C & M.V.N.Panikkar. 1995. Ecological studies on Padina tetrasromatica Hauck (Phaeophyta, Dictyotales) Seaweed Res. Utiln. 17: 135- 145.
  24. Sindhu, P. & M.V.N.Panikkar .1995. Observations on Peyssonnelia obscura Web. V. Bosse var. bombayensis Boergesen ,( Peyssonneliaceae .Cryptonemales) from Kerala, India. Seaweed Res. Utln. 17: 147- 150.
  25. Sindhu, P. & M. V.N.Panikkar 1995. Observations on the estuarine red alga Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. From India. Phykos 34: 75-82.
  26. Panikkar, M.V.N ; Sindhu, P & P. Ampili, 1998. On the occurrence of Laurencia elata (C. Aggardh) Hooker & Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Lakshadweep. . Seaweed Res. Utln. 18: 103-106.
  27. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2002 Vegetative and reproductive morphology of Cystioseira trinoides (Forsskal) C. Agardh (Cystoseiraceae, Fucalaes) from South India. Indian Hydrobiology 5(1) 67-76.
  28. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M. V.N. Panikkar. 2002 Phaeophyceae of South India. I. Lobophora J. G. Agardh (Dictyotaceae, Dictyotales) Seaweed Res. Utln. 24: (1) 101- 106.
  29. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2004. Phaeophyceae of South India. II. Stoechospermum Kuetzing (Dictyotaceae, Dictyotales) J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 28(2) 370-375.
  30. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2004. Phaeophyceae of Soth India. III. Spatoglossum Kuetzing (Dictyotales, Dictyotaceae) J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 28(2) 378-381
  31. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2004.. Phaeophycee of South India. IV. Phaeophyceae of South India. IV. Chnoospora J. Agardh (Chnoosporaceae, Scytosiphonales) J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 28(2) 378-381.
  32. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2002. Phaeophyceae of India. Colpomenia. (Endilcher) Derbes & Solier (Scytosiphonales, Scytosiphonaceae) J. Econ. Tax. Bot.  28(2) 366-369).
  33. Panikkar, M.V.N. ; Ampili, P. & P.  Sophiammal Nettar.2006. Problems related to the identification of  the IOndian species of the genus Sargassum (Fucaales, Sargassaceae) Seaweed Res. Utiln. 28(1&2) 1-9.
  34. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar.2006. The genus Turbinaria (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from South India. Feddes Repapertorium 117: 158-163.
  35. Sulekha, S. & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2006. Marine green algal flora of Kollam coast, Kerala, South India. . Seaweed Res. Utln. 28(1) 5-21.
  36. Sulekha, S. & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2007. Codium (Codiaceae, Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) from South India. , Seaweed Res. Utln. 31 7-10.
  37. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2009. Species of Feldmannia Hamel (Ectocarpalaes, Phaeophyceae) from  Kerala, India. Seaweed Res. Utln. 31(1&2) : 11-12.
  38. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar.2009. Two new brown algal species from the family Ralfsiaceae (Ectocarpales, Phaaeophyceae) from from Kerala, India. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 31: 7-10
  39. Sophiammal Nettar, P & M.V.N. Panikkar. 2009. Species diversity of Hincksia Gray  (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) from Kerala coast of India.Seaweed Res. Utiln. 31: 17-23.
  40. Aseer Manilal, S. Sujith, C. Shakir, J. Selvin, R. Gandhimathi, G.S. Kiran, M.V.N. Panikkar 2009.  Biopotentials of seaweeds collected from southwest coast of India. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 17 (1): 67-73
  41. Aseer  Manilal, Sujith, J. Selvin, M.V.N Panikkar 2011. Evaluation of seaweed bioactives on common aquatic floral and faunal weeds of shrimp ponds. Thalassas An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 27 (1): 47-55.
  42. Aseer Manilal, Sujith, J. Selvin, M.V.N. Panikkar,& Shiney George .2012 Anticoagulant potential of polysaccharide isolated from Indian red alga, Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan Thalassas An International Journal of Marine Sciences 28 (2): 9-15.
  43. Aseer Manilal, J. Selvin & M.V.N Panikkar 2012.Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of Indian green alga, Acrosiphonia orientalis (J. Agardh) in the treatment of vibriosis in Penaeus monodonThalassas An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 28 (1): 33-46
  44. Sujith S., Aseer Manilal, J. Selvin, A. Idhayadhulla, R.S. Kumar and M.V.N. Panikkar 2012. Evaluating the antagonistic potential of seaweed-associated marine bacteria collected from the South Indian littoral. Asian J. Animal and Veterinary Advances 7: (7) 578-567.
  45. Panikkar , M. V. N ; P Sindhu & P. Ampili. 1998 On the occurrence of Laurencia elata (C. Ag.)  J.Hooker & Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Lakshadweep. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 20 : 103-106.
  46. Panikkar, M.V.N and P. Ampili. 2011. Taxonomy of the species of Sargassum C.A. Agardh ( Fucales, Sargassaceae) from Kerala. 1. Sargassum cristaefolium A. A. Agardh . Seaweed Res. Utiln 33(1&2): 15-19.

Subaerial Algae

  1. Felix Bast1, Satej Bhushan1, Aijaz Ahmad John1, Jackson Achankunju, Nadaraja Panikkar MV, Christina Hametner4 and Elfriede Stocker-Worgotter 2015. European Species of Subaerial Green Alga Trentepohlia annulata (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae) Caused Blood Rain in Kerala, India . J Phylogen Evolution 3: 1-3.

Biochemical Studies

  1. Divya .Nair, J. Gopalakrishna, M.V.N.Panikkar, B. Gopalakrishnan, G. Pai and S. S. Nair. 2018.  Identification, purification,  biochemical and mass spectrometric characterization of novel phycobiliproteins from a marine red alga Centroceras clavatum. International Journal  of Biological macromolecules 114:: 679-691.